
Follow-Up Post from Zoosa

More than a comment, I thought it deserved it's own post:

Mike McGlade
Zoosa, CEO

Thank you for the mentioning Zoosa! I'd like to provide some additional background for your readers.

Zoosa was founded during my first year at Harvard Business School and continued to grow this past summer thanks to a grant by Harvard’s Social Enterprise Initiative. We currently have the equivalent of 2 full time employees and 6 interns and we’re looking to hire additional interns during the fall 2008/spring 2009 academic calendar.

Zoosa is different from existing sites in that we integrate working, volunteering, and getting elected into the same system with plans to add legislation in the future. These sections are all linked by an “issue of social responsibility” (ISR) with each posting mapped to up to 5 ISRs. By including social enterprise jobs & high impact volunteer positions in the same location, professionals can quickly find opportunities which match their socially conscious area of interest, even if those opportunities were not part of their original plan (work vs. intern vs. volunteer & non‐profit vs. for‐profit).

As a courtesy to organizations which utilize our service while in the beta stage, Zoosa is extending discounted access for all employment & volunteer postings (events are free). I am working individually with organizations to provide the discount code and can be reached at mmcglade@zoosa.org.

Thank you!

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